Staff Publications

Staff Publications Bibliography

The Staff Publications Bibliography is a citations database of published work by staff affiliated with DFO scientific research institutions. It includes references to scientific journals, conference proceedings, books and reports. Publications from DFO research institutions in these regions are not available: Newfoundland and Labrador, Gulf, National Capital Region, Central and Arctic, Pacific. The database has not been updated since March 2013.

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St. Andrews Biological Station Bibliography

The St. Andrews Biological Station (SABS) Staff Publications database features SABS-authored publications beginning in 1900. The searchable database includes citations and abstracts for technical reports and peer-reviewed publications such as books and book chapters, articles and proceedings. The database has not been updated since March 2013.

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Bedford Institute Staff Bibliography

Launched to commemorate 40 years of scientific research at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, the Staff Publications Bibliography contains citations for books, reports, and papers published in scientific journals and conference proceedings, by DFO and NRCan staff working at BIO from 1962 to 2010. It was last updated in 2011.

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Maurice Lamontagne Institute Bibliography

The Maurice Lamontagne Institute (MLI) Bibliography indexes scientific works published by scientists at the Institute from 1986 to 2012. It contains citations for papers published in scientific journals and bulletins, scientific reports, books and book chapters, published conference proceedings, and popular scientific articles. Excluded are book reviews, unpublished conference proceedings, posters, extracts and summaries, doctorate and master theses, articles published in information bulletins, regional newspapers, and non-specialized journals. It was last updated in 2013.

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